When the people of a Municipality, Town or City vote for the Site Value Rating of land as the revenue source for their governments budgets. They have climbed the first step to achieve an economy. It is from that time on that all people and the land will Prosper. Site Value Rating achieves this prosperity by lessening the price of land on resale for the Titleholder, while increasing the value of revenue to the surrounding community, as the community as a whole benefits from the superior use, maintenance, occupancy & proximity to more affordable services. Site value rating provides an incentive to all Titleholders to put sites to their best use, thus encouraging residential, commercial and industrial development and renewal without the requirement of exemptions or subsidies. This outcome stimulates the economy while providing public revenue. Site value Rating has the advantage over taxes on the Capital Value or the Net Annual Value of property as Site Value Rating does not tax construction of any type. e.g., dwellings, homes, buildings, shops and factories. Ratepayers therefore stand as equals with their government. Having renewed confidence, the community can develop their dwellings in full confidence that taxes will not be imposed on their improvements. Site Value Rating would bring inner land under development before Services have to be extended to outer areas. This stabilises the price of each site because the burden is removed from human improvement to the sites potential. Development would intensify especially where zones change from farming to industrial. Businesses whose work is labour intensive will especially benefit, going from a tax on energy and skill that hampers all forms of initiative, to a rate on environmental advantage that encourages industry. Site Value Rating is redistributing the land value of a site as public revenue, and justice requires it be done irrespective of the legal instrument which holds the title of that parcel of land. Site Value Rating would effectively prevent the pyramiding of site rents and speculative land price. It would widen employment opportunities to the full, thereby raising productivity and wages in a universal manner and lead to progress without poverty. It would also reduce, totally, government reliance upon today’s taxing of buildings and the people that work in them. Endorsed by: | Individual | We | Chamber of Commerce | Company |Association | Organisation | | Foundation | Guild | Political Party | Charity | Campaign | Traders Association | | Club | Corporation | Cooperative | Agency | Forum| Union | Group | Retailer | | Partnership | Government | Blogger | Committee | Website | Faith Group | Name..........................................................................Telephone............................................. Address.......................................................................Pcode.................................................... City..............................................................................Email..................................................... Organisation..............................................................Position................................................. Registration_Fee.......................................................Project_Donation............................... Card_Number............................................................Expiry_Date......../...../........................ Signature....................................................................Date......................................................
